Primrose Therapy Reflexology for Blackburn and Chorley

TaiChiFit helps balance the body’s  systems, strengthen joints and muscles, balances the mind, body, spirit connection to help you feel stronger, calmer and more in control of yourself.

Tai Chi Fit is a gentle, low-impact series of flowing movements, along with slow breaths. These are standing classes, no need to get up and down from the floor, the body is exercised within its abilities.

These classes are open to any age over 18, men and women. Wear clothing that allows free movement and light footwear.

I’m excited to teach and support you with Primrose TaiChiFit      

    Mondays 10.30-11.30 Read & Simonstone Village Hall

Monday 6.15-7.15 7.30-8.30 - Darwen Community Well-Being Hub, Bridge Street  Commence 24th Februrary - Booking Essential

Tuesday 1.30-2.30  Darwen Community Well-Being Hub, Bridge Street Commence 25th Februrary - Booking Essential

Wednesday  9-9.45 St Barts Church, Great Harwood -Commence 26th Februrary Booking Essential

Thursday 6.30-7.30 Fence Village Hall -Commence  27th Februrary Booking Essential 

To book or for further information Ring, Text, What'sApp 07595547077 or email



I was diagnosed with arthritis aged 14! I spent many years teaching dancing till my body gave up. I have found TaiChi helped strengthen my knees and back enough that I can walk up and down stairs without holding on. The feel-good factor felt like a bonus.

I was inspired to combine my passion for TaiChi and the positive effects on both my body and mind, along with my years as a qualified dance teacher & examnier and became a qualified TaiChiFit instructor.

I'm excited to guide and share TaiChiFIt with you.

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